Age of a person
Calculate a person's age. Enter the date of birth and a specific date to determine the age as of that date.
Age Result
11 months, 4 weeks, 2 daysUnits Result
- years: 1.00
- months: 12.07
- weeks: 48.3
- days: 360
- hours: 8,640
- minutes: 518,400
- seconds: 31,104,000
Certain age
Calculate the exact date you will reach a certain age using your birth date.
Thursday 5 February 2026๐ Introduction
This tool helps you calculate age durations and target ages based on birth dates. It is useful for anyone who needs to determine a person's age at a specific date or find out when they will reach a certain age. This can be particularly useful for event planning, legal requirements, or personal milestones.
๐งโ๐ซ Step-by-Step Instructions
Age of a Person
- Enter Birth Date: Select the birth date in the "Date of birth" field.
- Enter Target Date: Choose the date for which you want to calculate the age in the "Age at date" field.
- View Results: The age in various units (years, months, weeks, days, hours, minutes, seconds) will be displayed.
Calculate Certain Age
- Enter Birth Date: Select your birth date in the "Date of birth" field.
- Enter Target Age: Input the age you want to calculate in the "Age in years" field.
- View Results: The exact date you will reach the target age will be displayed.
๐จ Common Issues and Solutions
- Incorrect Date Format: Ensure the dates are in the correct format (YYYY-MM-DD).
- Missing Input: Both fields are required. Make sure to fill in all the necessary information.
- Invalid Age Input: Age must be a positive number. Ensure the age input is correct.
๐ Additional Tips and Recommendations
- Double-Check Dates: Always double-check the dates you enter to avoid calculation errors.
- Use for Planning: This tool is excellent for planning events, setting reminders, and tracking milestones.
- International Use: The date format is international (ISO), making it suitable for users worldwide.
๐ Conclusion
This tool simplifies age and duration calculations, providing accurate results for various planning needs. Share this tool with friends and colleagues to help them calculate ages and dates easily!