Words to Time


Precisely calculate speaking durations for presentations, speeches, and voice-over scripts.

3 seconds

Speed Reading

Reading speed, the rate at which we process written information, varies widely, influenced by factors like age and practice. The average adult reads at about 250 to 300 words per minute (WPM), with proficient readers reaching speeds of up to 1000 WPM.

Reading speed can be calculated with the formula:

Techniques such as minimizing subvocalization and using peripheral vision can significantly boost reading speeds, though sometimes at the expense of comprehension.

Technological aids also enhance reading speeds by training the brain to recognize words quicker. Interestingly, the world record for reading is over 25,000 WPM, held by Howard Stephen Berg, though such speeds are rare.

Understanding and improving reading speed is valuable for academic success and enjoying reading more efficiently.

Reading Durations for Text Lengths

Word CountSlow (100 wpm)Average (183 wpm)Fast (260 wpm)
100 words1 min33 sec23 sec
250 words2 min 30 sec1 min 22 sec58 sec
500 words5 min2 min 44 sec1 min 55 sec
750 words7 min 30 sec4 min 6 sec2 min 53 sec
1000 words10 min5 min 29 sec3 min 51 sec
1500 words15 min8 min 12 sec5 min 46 sec
2000 words20 min10 min 56 sec7 min 42 sec
3000 words30 min16 min 24 sec11 min 32 sec
5000 words50 min27 min 22 sec19 min 14 sec
10000 words100 min54 min 38 sec38 min 28 sec

Reading Durations for Page Counts

Page CountSlow (100 wpm)Average (183 wpm)Fast (260 wpm)
1 Page2 min1 min44 sec
10 Pages20 min11 min7 min
20 Pages40 min22 min14 min
30 Pages1 hr33 min21 min
40 Pages1 hr 20 min44 min28 min
50 Pages1 hr 40 min55 min35 min
100 Pages3 hr 20 min1 hour 49 min1 hour 9 min
200 Pages6 hr 40 min3 hr 38 min2 hr 18 min
300 Pages10 hr5 hr 28 min3 hr 32 min
400 Pages13 hr 20 min7 hr 17 min4 hr 43 min
500 Pages16 hr 40 min9 hr 7 min5 hr 53 min
800 Pages26 hr 40 min14 hr 34 min9 hr 24 min
1000 Pages33 hr 20 min18 hr 8 min11 hr 45 min

For Devepoler

 * 🪄 Qit.tools
 * https://qit.tools
 * Calculates the estimated reading time of a given text in seconds.
 * @param {string} text - The text to calculate the reading time for.
 * @param {number} [wordsPerMinute=200] - The number of words per minute to use for the calculation. Defaults to 200.
 * @return {number} The estimated reading time in seconds.
export function estimateReadingTime(
  text: string,
  wordsPerMinute: number = 200,
): number {
  if (!text.trim()) return 0;
  // Regular expression that matches word-like entities in various scripts
  const words = text
  const numberOfWords = words ? words.length : 0;
  // Calculate reading time in seconds
  return Math.ceil((numberOfWords / wordsPerMinute) * 60);


What is a good reading speed?

A solid reading speed for an adult is typically around 200 to 300 words per minute (WPM).

Adult Average Reading Speed

The average reading speed for adults is roughly 183 words per minute.

Is reading 120 words per minute fast?

Reading at 120 WPM is considered below average for adults, but it may be suitable for complex texts.

Is reading 250 words per minute fast?

Reading at 250 WPM is considered fast for the average reader and above the general adult average.

Is reading 700 words per minute fast?

Achieving 700 WPM is exceptionally rapid and far exceeds typical reading speeds.

How rare is 100 words per minute?

A reading speed of 100 WPM is quite slow for adults and typically more common among younger readers.

Is 500 WPM reading possible?

Yes, reading at 500 WPM is possible, especially for skilled readers or those trained in speed reading.

Is 30 pages an hour slow?

Reading 30 pages per hour is fast and indicates a higher than average reading speed.